Ayurveda recommends cleansing the blood as a healthy measure against the toxin build-up and to boost immunity, improve heart health and prevent diseases. The ancient science also advises the use of herbs that can extract the toxins from the bloodstream and help regulate the functioning of the organs.

Following are the 30 Ayurvedic herbs recommended for blood purification.

  • Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Rhizome – Due to its antiseptic, pain relieving and blood purifying action, it is used in many skin as well as blood disorders. It also helps to stimulate the blood forming tissues.
  • Neem (Azadirachtaindica) Leaf – Due to its bitter taste and its anti-microbial activity. It has been used for blood cleaning in any type of blood and skin problems.
  • Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia) Root – It is a blood purifier. Its use decreases the inflammatory process and is used in various skin disorders also.
  • Gandhak rasayana – It is a good remedy for all type skin diseases, Kustha (Leprosy), Urticari, Boils, Eczema, Acne, Blood impurities.
  • Anantmul (Hemidesmusindicus) Root – This herb is used in foul body odor, Skin ailments and blood disorders.
  • Babchi (Psoraleacorylifolia) Seed – Stimulates the blood circulation. It has also been tried successfully by some naturopaths in the treatment of leucoderma.
  • Vijasar (Pterocarpus marsupium) Heartwood -Vijaysarheartwood is used as an astringent which causes the contraction of skin cells and also manages inflammation due to its anti-inflammatory property
  • Giloy (Tinosperacordifolia) Stem – Giloy enriches the blood and is helpful in skin ailments.
  • Kalijiri (Salvia anthelminicum) Seed – The seeds of Kalijiri are considered strongly anthelmintic. The seeds are used as a febrifuge and for treating skin diseases and leucoderma in ayurvedic practice.
  • Varuna (Crataevareligiosa) Stem – Varun is an anti-inflammatory herb and purifies urinary tract.
  • Nagarmothan (Cyperusrotundus) Tuber – It helps in cleansing digestive system,which in turn helps to purify blood.
  • Amla (Emblicaofficinalis) Fruit – By improving the function of liver it maintains clarity of blood system of the body.
  • Harar (Terminalia chebula) Fruit – It decreases the inflammation by its mild laxative action, clears bowel and detoxifies the gut so that pure nutrition is available to the body.
  • Bahera (Terminalia belerica) Fruit – Bahera fruit possesses antibacterial properties, which can help in fighting acne-causing bacteria on the skin.
  • Patola (Trichosanthesdioica) Leaf – It is commonly used to aid digestion and maintain overall well-being
  • Shatvari (Asparagus racemosus) Root – This herb acts as a blood cleanser and useful for female reproductive organs.
  • Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica) Root – It’s antimicrobal and antioxidant properties help wounds heal faster and new skin cells form.
  • Vasaka (Adhatodavasika) Leaf – It is valued for its anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties.
  • Pittpapra (Fumaria officinalis) Plant – It is used as a blood purifier in skin ailments.
  • Kantkari (Solanumjacquinni) Plant – Kantakari is thought to possess detoxifying properties, which helps in eliminating toxins from the body. By supporting detoxification processes, it could indirectly contribute to blood purification.
  • Indra varuni (Citrulluscolocynthis) Root – It is employed for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, assisting in the management of rheumatic conditions and inflammatory disorders.
  • Mundi (Sphaeranthushirtus) Flower – This Indian herb is known to be helpful in blood disorders, in purifying blood and in oedema.
  • Bringaraj (Eclipta alba) Plant – Bringaraj is utilized to support aid digestion, enhance skin health, and alleviate certain inflammatory conditions.
  • Karanj (Pongamiaglabra) Seed – It is commonly used for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, aiding in the management of various skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis.
  • Unnab (Ziziphus sativa) Fruit – It is used to alleviate digestive issues and boost immunity.
  • Kutza (Holarrhenaantidysenterica) Seed – It is used to treat diarrhea, dysentery, intestinal infections, and digestive issues due to their antimicrobial and antidiarrheal properties.
  • Bharangi (Clerodendronsiphonanthus) Root – It is valued for its anti-inflammatory properties aiding digestion and skin conditions like eczema.
  • Nishoth (Ipomoea turpethum) Root – It aids digestion as a laxative and supports detoxification processes in traditional medicine.
  • Pipali (Piper longum Fruit – Piperine, a key compound found in Pipali fruit, has been shown to improve blood circulation. Enhanced circulation can promote the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the skin cells, contributing to a healthier complexion and potentially aiding in the healing of wounds and blemishes.
  • Nagkesar (Mesua ferrea) Flower – Nagkesar flower is traditionally believed to support blood purification due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

These herbs support detoxification and purification of blood and normal healthy skin and helps to keep the colon clean, helps to remove the excessive toxins, impurities present in the blood and supports healthy liver and kidney functions. Also these herbs are recommended safe to be used as a body purifier.

Blood (Rakta) is considered as carrier of life in Ayurveda. Healthy formation of Muscular Layers, Fatty Layers, Bones, and semen depends upon the blood.

As per Ayurveda

Blood problems occur because of excessive intake of liquid, fatty & heavy diet, (long term) suppression of emesis & other natural evacuatory reflexes, excessive intake of salty, sour, oily food etc. due to this all doshas i.e. Vata (Air), Pitta (Fire), Kapha (Water) are imbalanced & affect the Rakta (Blood) Dhatu.

Ayurvedic Lifestyle

Nutritional diet, Morning walk, Yoga, Peaceful mind, Restful sleep.

Foods to Favor

Light diet containing Rice, Green Gram Soup, Bitter Gourd, Green Leafy Vegetables, Papaya, Drum Stick, Pomegranate, Amla, Cucumber.

Foods to Avoid

Vegetables like baingan (Eggplant), Bhindi (Lady’s Finger/Okra), Arbi (Coco Asia), and Kachalu (Cesculent Roots). All vegetables which contain edible seeds and Tomato (Unripened), Raspberry and Masoor Ki Dal (Egyptian Lentil) all these types of products make the blood dirty. These should be avoided. Try to avoid Products that are hot by nature and increase Pitta (fire), that cause Urticaria and other skin problems.


  • Eat fibrous diet like brown bread, oats and corn.
  • Eat fibrous fruits and fresh vegetables.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Get regular and proper sleep.
  • Maintain proper hygienic conditions.
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners or beverages.
  • Avoid excessive salty snacks.
  • Avoid stress, fear or anger.
  • Avoid alcohol consumption and smoking.
Dr. Dolly Thakur
Dr. Dolly Thakur

Ayurvedic Physician, Dr. Dolly Thakur. With her qualifications of BAMS and MD in Ayurveda, Dr. Thakur brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our practice.

With 15 years of clinical experience, she has dedicated her career to providing exceptional care and guidance. Her deep understanding of Ayurvedic principles and her compassionate approach make her an invaluable asset to our team.

Dr. Thakur's expertise will greatly benefit your health and well-being. We look forward to assisting you on your journey to better health under her expert care.

Contact her for a free consultation at health@vedaliving.com

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