Hypercholesterolemia, according to Ayurveda, is where fats start accumulating in the body due to lack of exercise, sleeping during the daytime, consuming heavy and fried foods and maintaining a sedentary life style. This accumulation of fats causes the blockage of body channels through which nutrients are distributed to all the body parts. As such fatty parts of the body absorb all the nourishment and keep on increasing and other parts do not get proper nutrition. This accumulation of excess fat or imbalance of proper distribution of fat causes the vitiation of Vata (Air) and particularly of Gastric fire. This vitiation of gastric fire leads to the formation of Ama (undigested food particles or free radicals) in the blood, which increase the Hypercholesterolemia. The excess meda (Fats) with the help of Vata (Air) circulate in the channels of the body and get deposited producing various symptoms like sudden dyspnoea, thirst, excess sleep, lethargy, perspiration, foul smell from body, weakness, uneasiness in the chest region, swelling over various parts of the body, lack of stamina and loss of libido.
There are herbs which are used in Ayurveda that help to keep the cholesterol level in its balanced state, regulate abnormal lipoprotein metabolism, as well as balance the biological humors Vata (Air), Pita (Fire) and Kapha (Water).
Following are the 10 Ayurvedic herbs recommended that help lower cholesterol level
- Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) Stem: The bark of the arjuna when taken in powder form has beneficial properties. This can dissolve the cholesterol that accumulates in the coronary artery and reduce the possibility of heart attacks. Flavonoids present in Arjuna have been detected to exert antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and lipid lowering effects while glycosides are cardiotonic, thus making Terminalia Arjuna unique medicinal plant.
- Garlic (Allium sativum) Pulp: Garlic help lower cholesterol levels due to compounds like allicin and its antioxidant properties, potentially reducing LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and offering cardiovascular benefits.
- Amla (Emblicaofficinalis) Fruit: Heart protective. Also reduces the cholesterol strengthens the heart muscles. Three clinical studies found that 500 mg of Amla a day for three months raised levels of HDL cholesterol and lowered triglyceride and C-reactive Protein (CRP) levels.
- Guggulipid (Commiphoramukul) (Guggul) Gum Resin: It contains guggulsterones which have been proven to reduce the levels of cholesterol on regular use. 25 mg of these guggulsterones are prescribed for intake thrice a day. Guggul is a resin from the myrrh tree and is highly effective in reducing the high levels of serum triglyceride.
- Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) Fruit: It is adjuvant in hemorrhages due to its astringent nature. It helps in reducing edema and various inflammations.
- Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Rhizome: Turmeric rhizome aid in managing cholesterol levels through its active compound curcumin, which exhibits antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, potentially reducing LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and promoting heart health.
- Dhaniya (Coriander Sativum) Leaves ext: Certain compounds in coriander leaves exhibit anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce inflammation in the body and alleviate symptoms of inflammatory conditions.
- Onion (Allium cepa) Juice: It contains compounds that may help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Regular consumption may contribute to heart health by improving cholesterol levels and promoting blood vessel health.
- Dalchini (Cinnamomum cassia) Stem: It has been associated with various cardiovascular benefits, including lowering blood pressure, reducing bad cholesterol levels, and improving blood lipid profiles, all of which contribute to heart health
- Pipali (Piper longum) Fruit: It is considered to be the best rejuvenative for Kapha (Water) Dosha.
- Garcinia cambogia Fruit: It may have favorable effects on lipid profiles by lowering bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels while increasing good cholesterol levels, thus supporting cardiovascular health.
- Mustha (Cyperusrotundus) Root: It is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, might, assist in managing cholesterol levels by potentially reducing LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and supporting overall cardiovascular health.
Ayurvedic Lifestyle
- Nutritional diet, Morning walk, Yoga, Peaceful mind, Restful sleep.
Foods to Favor
- Light diet, brown rice, Brown bread, Barley, vegetable soup, Garlic, ginger, carrots, Beans, spinach, Buttermilk, Curd, fresh fruits [Amla, orange, apple, papaya], olive oil, canola oil, oats, salmon fish, avocado, tea, coffee, walnuts, almonds and chocolates should be recommended.
Foods to Avoid
- Fatty, fried food, milk, dairy products, meat, snacks, fast food, cookies, chips, pastries, cakes, sweet potato, banana, ice cream, cheese, egg yolk, fish oil, sea food, red meat should be avoided.
- Eat fresh garlic on an empty stomach.
- Drink a glass of milk with boiled garlic.
- Eat fish which is a good source of omega 3 fatty acids which is good for cholesterol health.
- Avoid unnecessary tensions, anger and worry.
- Avoid a sedentary lifestyle.
- Avoid fried food like snacks, chips.
- Use the least amount of ghee or butter in food.