Gotukola, also known as “Mandukaparni” and is highly regarded among medicinal foliage for being one of the primary supporters of cognitive health, where it keeps the body healthy. The general overview of Gotu Kola is according to Ayurveda:

Botanical Description and Habitat: Gotu Kola is a creeping, succulent herb commonly found in tropical and subtropical areas, including parts of Asia, Africa, and the South Pacific. The fan-shaped leaves prefer wet to swampy areas.

Taste and Energetics: Gotu Kola has a bitter and astringent taste, with cooling energy. Its post-digestive effect is sweet. It is tridoshic, meaning it helps balance all three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

Medicinal Properties and Uses:

Cognitive Enhancer: Gotu Kola is well-acknowledged in elevating cognitive functions. It improves memory, concentration, and mental clarity, used by students, the elderly, and people with cognitive problems.

Nervine Tonic: The herb acts as a tonic to the nervous system, calming anxiety, stress, and mental exhaustion. It helps support emotional well-being by promoting calmness and ease of mind.

Wound Healing: One of the major properties of Gotu Kola is its potential for curing wounds. It helps repair the skin and connective tissues and is therefore good for wound treatment, burns, or scars. It stimulates collagen that further helps in the process of healing.

Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant: Gotu Kola has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties; it helps reduce inflammation and also protects the body from oxidative stress and the damage due to free radicals.

Circulatory Health: Enhances circulation and strengthens blood vessels. It is extremely useful in treating disorders like varicose veins, chronic venous insufficiency, and all other types of circulatory disorders.

Skin Health: It treats a variety of skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis. Gotu Kola helps to rejuvenate the skin, improve elasticity, and remove fine lines, wrinkles.

Detoxification: Gotu Kola allows the body to follow its own systems of detoxification, whereby the toxins are flushed out and the functioning of the liver and the kidneys is normalized.

Ayurvedic Formulations: Gotu Kola is prepared into several Ayurvedic formulations in the form of powders, capsules, tablets, and teas. The best therapeutic actions are achieved when Gotu Kola is utilized as a combination with other herbs. So, Bacopa monniera (Brahmi) is used along with Gotu Kola to stimulate higher levels of cognitive functions for increased mental clarity.

Traditional Uses: In classical Ayurvedic application, Gotu Kola is suggested to have many applications besides that which is listed above, such as longevity, digestion, and respiration. Centella is often put in rasayanas to increase overall health, especially vigor.

Safety Considerations: Gotu Kola is considered safe when taken in recommended amounts; however, it may cause some people to suffer from stomach upset or irritation when taken in excess. Pregnant or nursing women and people with pre-existing conditions are advised to consult a healthcare provider before using Gotu Kola.

Overall, Gotu Kola or Mandukaparni is one of the most precious herbs in Ayurveda, second only to the spectrum of cognition and nerve action it gives, thereby promoting general well-being. It has a bitter and astringent taste, cold in nature, and works balancing all the three doshas. Applied properly, Gotu Kola helps in attaining mental clarity, relieving stress, and establishing general good health in Ayurveda.

Dr. Dolly Thakur
Dr. Dolly Thakur

Ayurvedic Physician, Dr. Dolly Thakur. With her qualifications of BAMS and MD in Ayurveda, Dr. Thakur brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our practice.

With 15 years of clinical experience, she has dedicated her career to providing exceptional care and guidance. Her deep understanding of Ayurvedic principles and her compassionate approach make her an invaluable asset to our team.

Dr. Thakur's expertise will greatly benefit your health and well-being. We look forward to assisting you on your journey to better health under her expert care.

Contact her for a free consultation at

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